yulia gnirenko
Born in Nizhny Tagil, Russia. Art critic, organizer of interdisciplinary and artistic projects, teacher. Graduated from the Ural State University named after. A.M. Gorky. Worked in the Museum of Contemporary Art of Nizhny Tagil and the State Center for Contemporary Art. The author of the book "Performance as a phenomenon of contemporary art". Consultant of the Ural Industrial Biennale and the First Kyiv Arsenale. Leading expert in the Department of Insurance of Cultural Values at OJSC Alfastrahovanie. Works in lives in Moscow, Russia.
Resident BIRUCHIY in 2007.
Selected exhibitions and art-projects:
2014 |
Coordinator of Trans-Russian art project "9000 km", Center for Cultural Communication,
Klaipeda, Lithuania; Center for Contemporary Art "Laznya", Gdansk, Poland. |
2010-2011 |
Art-Shargorod, Arch-Shargorod, Shargorod, Vinnytsya Region, Ukraine.
2010 |
ЯКЩО/ЕСЛИ/IF, Perm Museum of Contemporary Art PERMM, Perm, Russia.
2009 |
Kudimkor - Locomotive of the Future, within the framework of the Third Biennale of
Contemporary Art and the International Festival "Diaghilev Seasons", Moscow, Perm, Russia.
The future depends on you - New rules, executive director of the first stage of the project,
Russian Poor, Perm Museum of Contemporary Art PERMM, Perm, Russia. | |
2007 | BIRUCHIY 007, BIRUCHIY contemporary art project, a peninsula of Biryuchiy, Ukraine. |
2005 | Artist and weapons (curator), Center for Contemporary Art, M'Ars, Moscow, Russia. |