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Charity exhibition, Reading, UK


571 Oxford Road, Reading, RG30 1PR, United Kingdom


Venue Webpage:

February 21, 2023

6-9 PM

Drinks and Solidarity Sale
An exhibition of posters created by artists and graphic designers who were forced to leave their homes due to military aggression and became temporarily displaced within the country. They have created wartime posters to fight the propaganda of the aggressor. The featured artists are part of a collective formed around an artist - run residency which used to be held in Biryuchyi peninsula, on the Sea of Azov, now occupied territory. The group has re-organised and the exhibition is touring different international venues to raise awareness of the situation of artists and artist-run organisations in Ukraine.
“The artists show the reflections of the collective grief, despair, unbearable pain, sorrow and, at the same time, the willingness to fight and win. It is a cry for help, a declaration of our indomitable spirit and bravery, with elements of bitter irony and truth about specific events and war crimes.” says Olena Speranska, exhibition curator and director of the international residency programme of BIRUCHIY contemporary art project.
Nastya Gaydaenko (Kyiv), Oleksandr Grekhov (Kyiv), Igor Gusev (Odesa), Mariana FantichMykola Honcharov (Kyiv), Zukentiy Horobyov (Kyiv), Lesia Khomenko (Kyiv), Nikita Kravtsov (Paris, France), Katya Lisova (Kyiv), Kateryna Lysovenko (Kyiv), Marsel Onisko (Uzhhorod), Nadya Polevich (Rome, Italy), Dasha Podoltseva (Kyiv), Oleksiy Sai (Kyiv), Nikita Shylimov (Kharkiv), Nikita Titov (Kyiv), Albina Yaloza (Kyiv) - created posters interpreting the truth about war crimes committed by Russia on the territory of Ukraine after the full-scale invasion that started on the 24th of February 2022.
Organised by Pavlo Kerestey, Susanne Clausen, Olena Speranska, Gennadiy Kozub.
Since the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine more than 800 children have been injured as a result of armed aggression, more than 500 children have died from the aggression of the occupiers, and more than 5,000 have been injured. As a result of explosions on the territory of Ukraine, more than 80,000 civilians died.
The resulting “Ukrainian Wartime Posters” is presented in Reading, UK as a part of the effort to fight Russian propaganda.
Visitors and community members are encouraged to donate funds for the non-profit NGO "Contemporary Art Researchers Union" (Kyiv, Ukraine) to support Ukrainian artists who continue to work under attacks against Russian Propaganda and to collect funds to support destroyed by the russians Ukrainian hospitals. All funds are 100% forward to the charity.
layout: Karina Smyrnova