myroslav vayda
Born in 1977 in Velykiy Bereznyi (Transcarpathia). Graduated from the Uzhgorod State Arts and Crafts College named after A.Erdelyi and Lviv National Academy of Arts. Painter, author of performances, objects and installations. Lives and works in Kyiv.
Resident of BIRUCHIY since 2014.
Selected exhibitions and projects:
2016 | From the Common Root, BIRUCHIY contemporary artproject, Klementowice, Poland. |
Unknown... to Sara Thorton, Modern Art Research Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine. | |
Embodying the mission. Art and business, Centre of contemporary art I M17,
Kyiv, Ukraine. |
2015 |
Paper. World. Art, in the frameworks of V International Festival Book Arsenal,
Mystetskyi Arsenal, Kyiv, Ukraine. |
Irshansk. Recreation, BIRUCHIY contemporary art project, Irshansk, Ukraine.
BIRUCHIY 015, BIRUCHIY contemporary art project, a peninsula of Biryuchyi, Ukraine. | |
2014 | BIRUCHIY 014, BIRUCHIY contemporary artp roject, a peninsula of Biryuchyi, Ukraine. |
2013 | SPACES Architecture in common, International Project 2013, Kyiv, Ukraine. |
2012 | Taking Tim, International art project, Vilnius, Lithuania. |
The Forest, personal project, Small Gallery of Mystetskyi Arsenal, Kyiv, Ukraine. | |
Great Sculpture Salon 2012, Mystetskyi Arsenal, Kiev, Ukraine. | |
Special Project "Double game". Arsenale 2012. First Kyiv International Biennale of
Contemporary Art, Kyiv, Ukraine.
2011 |
Home, Kharkiv Municipal Gallery, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Art Days of performance in 2011, Lviv, Ukraine.
NEZALEZHNIindependent. Independent art of a new country during 1991-2011,
Mystetskyi Arsenal, Kiev, Ukraine
Soundproofing. Audiovisual project. Foundation Isolation. Platform for Cultural
Initiatives, Donetsk, Ukraine.
Week of Modern Art "Space Odyssey", Mystetskyi Arsenal, Kyiv, Ukraine.
2010 |
EPAF 2010 European festival of performance art , UCM Ujazdowski Castle,
Warsaw, Poland.
Week of Contemporary Art, 2010, Lviv, Ukraine. | |
Ukrainian slice Modern Art of Ukraine, Lublin, Poland. | |
Open city, festival art in public space, Lublin, Poland. | |
2009 | Pinchuk ArtCentre Prize. Exhibition of 20 young Ukrainian artists, Kyiv, Ukraine. |
Week of Contemporary Art, Ukraine. | |
PerformanceArsenal. Performance festival, Bialy Stok, Poland. | |
Cold. Conceptual design, Ukraine. | |
Art Depo, Conceptual design, Ukraine. | |
2006-2007 | Eidos – 2006/2007. International Competition for the Visual Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine |