Lera Polianskova
Born in 1982 in Kharkov, Ukraine. In 2004 graduated from Kharkiv state University of arts, majoring in "Тheatre critic". During 2003-2009 had been working for the theatre-studio "Arabesque" as an actress. In 2004 was a coordinator of the "Orange" tent city in Kharkov. Media artist, musician. Lives and works in Kharkov, Ukraine.
Max Robotov
Born in 1982 in Lugansk, Ukraine. In 2005 graduated from the Kharkov national Aerospace University N.E. Zhukovsky "HAI", penalized in "Power engineer". In 2007 won the national music competition "Chervona Ruta", the group "1/16 tractor", Kyiv, Ukraine. In 2004 won the all-Ukrainian competition "Musical Island", the group "Paradox of Mannheim", Kharkiv, Ukraine. During 2007-2009 had been working for the theatre-studio "Arabesque" as the light and sound engineer. Media artist, musician. Lives and works in Kharkov, Ukraine.
Selected exhibitions and art-projects:
- group:
2013 | Сontiguity media project, in collaboration with T.Malinovskaya and A.Volokitin, in the framework of the exhibition of T.Malinovskaya "Oscillation", Centre of Contemporary Art "YermilovCentre", Kharkov, Ukraine. |
Meeting place, ISOLATION. Platform for cultural initiatives, Donetsk, Ukraine. | |
Emergency exit: part 2 – outdoor installations "Ice cubes", in the framework of the project the Goethe-Institute in Ukraine, Kharkov. | |
2012 | Emergency exit: part 1 – installation in the shop windows of the city, in the framework of the project the Goethe-Institute in Ukraine, Centre of Contemporary Art "YermilovCentr", Kharkov, Ukraine. |
Special project in the framework of the exhibition A.Gnilitsky "Gnilitsky. Darwin street", – audio performance "Out of Plate", in cooperation with J.Semenova, Center of Contemporary Art "YermilovCentre", Kharkov, Ukraine. | |
Accumulator, festival of ecological urban, organizers, Kharkov, Ukraine. | |
The First Kyiv international biennale of contemporary art ARSENALE 2012, Kyiv, Ukraine. | |
Reconstruction of Futurism, audio performance in cooperation with Ivan Svitlychnyi, center of contemporary art "YermilovCentre", Kharkov, Ukraine. | |
Kyiv Lavra in Kharkov festival, the organizers, Kyiv, Ukraine. | |
Night of museums Media special-project, Literary Museum, Kharkov, Ukraine. | |
2011 | Accumulator, festival of ecological urban, organizers, in cooperation with Sergey Zhadan, Kharkov, Ukraine. |
Night of museums, audio special-project, Literary Museum, Kharkov, Ukraine. | |
Black Mayday festival, organizers, in cooperation with Sergey Zhadan, Kharkov, Ukraine. | |
2010 | SUM, all-Ukrainian festival, the organizers, Kharkov /Odessa /Kiev /Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. |
Ekotag festival, aimed at halting the cutting of trees in Kharkov Park Gorky, organizers, Kharkov, Ukraine. | |
The first project 01011101, consisting of self-organization 01011101, TEC creative exhibition center, Kharkov, Ukraine. | |
Heating season, creative, TEC creative expositional center, Kharkov, Ukraine. | |
01011101, creative self-organization, music curators, Kharkov, Ukraine. | |
TEC, creative exhibition center, music curators, Kharkov, Ukraine. | |
2009 | Gagarin-fest, festival of contemporary art, music curators, Kharkov, Ukraine. |
Hunger festival, organizers, Kharkov, Ukraine. |